The top 10 cryptocurrencies to trade in 2021

There are now several thousand cryptocurrencies. The jungle of digital currencies has become opaque and attracts many “black sheep”. Which cryptocurrencies are particularly suitable for trading and offer the best opportunities?

In this article, we examine the best cryptocurrencies to watch in 2021.

1. Bitcoin: the world’s most famous cryptocurrency

Bitcoin (short: BTC) is a digital currency based on a blockchain, which is secured and defined by cryptography. The Bitcoin network is the infrastructure for a completely new economic and financial system, which is completely decentralized and works completely without middlemen. In the system, there are no national borders and no central institutions, but this economic system works completely peer-to-peer, i.e. from person to person. Bitcoin is also the world’s first and, at the same time, largest cryptocurrency with the largest trading volume, which is particularly interesting for traders. The all-time high is already at over $ 42,000.

2. Ethereum: the number two cryptocurrency

Ethereum (currency: Ether (ETH) is mainly understood as an environment for intelligent contracts, so-called “smart contracts”) and is considered a second-generation blockchain. Invented in 2013 by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum is more than just a means of payment Coins are only stored on the blockchain, it is possible to run programs using a so-called Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Ether is the second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, measured by market capitalization, and also has a strangely high trading volume compared to Competing currencies. Above all, the range of practical applications is almost infinite. Ether is also likely to find increasing use in everyday life. However, it is unlikely that the Ethereum rate will overtake Bitcoin one day, as the crypto reserve currency has the first-mover effect.

3. Ripple: The number three of the most important cryptocurrencies

Ripple (XRP) is an ‘open source’ protocol for a payment network, i.e. it is based on a shared public database. In the final version, Ripple is to function both as a decentralized ‘peer-to-peer payment method, i.e. also as a foreign exchange market. Trading and the exchange of goods are possible without a central clearinghouse. The agreement between the network participants concerned takes place via a so-called consensus procedure. Against this background, the cyber motto XRP serves as a store of value as well as a trading instrument.

Ripple is said to have a high potential for use cases and has therefore been able to work its way up quickly even in the early days of the crypto hype. However, due to the latest lawsuit by the US SEC, investors should act cautiously.

Ripple hit its all-time high in January 2018 at over $ 3.30.

4. Bitcoin Cash: waste product or secret winner?

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the result of a Bitcoin fork on August 1, 2017. The update called “SegWit” was the main trigger for the fork that the Bitcoin-Core team took over. As a world currency, Bitcoin Cash is intended to serve as a means of payment around the globe and not just be viewed as a digital replacement gold. The all-time high Bitcoin Cashs is trading at around $ 4,300 and dates back to December 2017.


What is a fork?

A fork is a disagreement in the consensus that only decides what is done or not done. The result is often a change in the source code so that soft or hard forks can occur so that changes can take effect.

The currency Bitcoin Cash is interesting because it is repeatedly traded as a competing currency to Bitcoin and in this context should have a high trading volume, which makes this interesting for investors. At the same time, Bitcoin Cash is recognized and accepted on exchanges in many places.

5. Litecoin: the secret tip for cryptocurrencies?

Litecoin (LTC) is a so-called digital ‘peer to peer currency that is integrated into ‘open-source software. From a technical perspective, the Litecoin project is very similar to the Bitcoin system. The production and transfer of Litecoins are based on an ‘open source’ encryption protocol. There is no central control. With this in mind, all transactions, balance sheets, and expenses are managed by a ‘peer-to-peer network. Litecoin is created based on a cryptological hash function, which in turn generates blocks: so-called mining. Litecoins can be exchanged for bitcoins as well as fiat money. The relevant processing usually takes place via online exchanges (so-called digital currency exchangers).

Litecoin has met with increasing interest in the past few months. Last but not least, the fact that the payment service provider PayPal wants to include the currency in its portfolio has made investors prick up their ears.

Litecoin reached its high point in the wake of the hype in December 2017, which is quoted at 420 dollars.

6. Stellar Lumens: The seemingly unknown number

Stellar is an ‘open source’ protocol and global network for money exchange and the exchange of values. The cryptosystem sees itself as an alternative and further development of Bitcoin. The interaction of the network participants takes place according to a consensus procedure via the software implementation of the protocol on different servers. The ultimate goal is to simplify international payment transactions and economic exchange and to reduce transaction costs. The coins or payment units developed against this background are also called lumens and can also be traded on online exchanges (so-called digital currency exchangers). The record is around $ 1.05 and dates back to January 2018.

7. Iota: the “internet of things”

Iota (currency: Miota) sees itself as one of the third generation crypto assets and is also referred to as the “internet of things”. Iota is not based on a blockchain, but a tangled network and works without a miner. The digital payment system aims to ensure that transactions are processed quickly without incurring high computing effort or any costs for the user. Also, better scalability should be achieved than with conventional blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. Iota has a professional ecosystem and could play one of the key roles given the possible coming IoT. Also, some industrial partners are already linked with IOTA. The all-time high at Miota was just under six dollars, which was reached at the end of 2017.

8. EOS: “The Ethereum of Asians”

EOS is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency that also functions as a platform for other blockchain-based applications, systems, and currency tokens. The platform pursues the goal of offering intelligent contracts (smart contracts) and decentralized storage solutions (dApps) for companies. In this context, the scalability problems of previous blockchains are to be overcome and a complete fee exemption for the users concerned is achieved. Mining is not required: consensus through delegated proof of stake. Eos sees itself as a further development of Ethereum. At its peak, EOS is quoted at over $ 23.

9. Cardano: The silent winner?

Cardano is a blockchain-based project for the transmission of complex contracts and values. It is a scalable, decentralized platform (Smart Contract & dApps) that, among other things, serves as the basis for trading with the crypto-currency ADA. The latter then also represents the internal means of payment for corresponding transactions. Like Ethereum, Eos or the platform/blockchain wants to enable the implementation of smart contracts and dApps in addition to its currency function and set new standards in security against this background. In January 2018, ADA hit a high of $ 1.40.

10. Dash: The new means of payment?

Dash (digital cash) aims to be the most user-friendly and at the same time most scalable crypto asset. While Dash is based on Bitcoin, the payment method offers not only an increased transaction speed but also all-important anonymity. Also, the cryptocurrency should optimize/reduce energy consumption during mining and guarantee higher network security against possible hacker attacks. Against this background, Dash sees itself as a further development of the classic Bitcoin blockchain.

The core of the Dash ecosystem is the peer-to-peer network, in which miners are paid for securing the blockchain, with master nodes trying to validate this and make it accessible to users. The all-time high for Dash is around $ 1,600.

Conclusion: The top 10 cryptocurrencies to trade

The future could lie in the cryptocurrency market and you have the opportunity to enter cryptocurrency trading directly. With the help of a CFD, you have the option to participate in the price development of numerous cryptocurrencies – without a wallet, in both rising and falling markets.

Make sure you have sufficient liquidity to trade and protect your capital with guaranteed stops. You can also hedge your physical positions and secure your capital efficiently.

What are NFTs? All you need to know about the potential future of NFTs.

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are a type of cryptocurrency created on a smart bargain platform like Ethereum. They are unique digital objects that can be interesting to own or even profitable to trade. Think of them as digital trading cards. Generically, they start small that only enthusiasts care about, but if you get a rare one, it could rule a lot one day.

What are fungible and non-fungible?

Cryptocurrencies can be fungible, which means that all units of the currency (that is, tokens) are the same and the same, such as grains of rice or dollars.


Non-fungible tokens are the complete opposite: Each cryptocurrency platoon, or token, is unique and cannot be replicated.

This “non-fungible” property can be used for many things, including certain types of coins. But NFT’s blatant mania is primarily driven by digital art and collectibles. Kin has discovered that a unique digital object can be interesting, formidable, and even have a significant monetary value. That’s why space has recently flourished, encompassing thousands of projects involving artwork, games, and sports.

How do NFTs work?

It depends on the platform. But given that the vast majority of NFTs are created and traded on Ethereum, we will focus on that.

NFTs are created in Ethereum’s block captivity, which is immutable, meaning it cannot be modified. No one can undo their ownership of an NFT or re-create the same one. They are also “without permission”, so anyone can create, buy or betray an NFT without asking for permission. Ultimately, each NFT is unique and can be viewed by anyone.

So yeah, it’s like a one-of-a-kind collectible malleable in an ever-folksy wardrobe that anyone can honor, but only one person (or cryptocurrency wallet, to be exact) can own at any one time.

In a practical sense, an NFT is usually represented by a digital artwork, such as an image. But it’s important to understand that you are not pandering to just that image (which can be easily replicated). Its existence as a digital object in block captivity is what makes it unique.

How do I buy or change NFT?

NFTs are bought and traded like any other Ethereum-based cryptocurrency, only that to buy a certain number of tokens, you buy a single token.

To do that, you need to start by installing Metamask, a browser extension that allows you to interact with various facets of Ethereum, such as exchanges and dApps (decentralized applications). MetaMask is even a digital wallet for Ethereum and all tokens created on Ethereum (both fungible and non-fungible).

After installing the extension, you need to buy a little Ethereum (you can do it directly in MetaMask with a debit mailer or Apple Pay by clicking “Associate funds”). But be very careful with your funds: store your MetaMask password and private wallet essence for a safety reason. Then when you visit a website that sells NFTs (like NBA Top Shot) or an exchange where you can trade them (like Uniswap), connect your MetaMask wallet to the site (only do it on sites that you know are safe) and buy your first NFT.

Why are NFTs valuable?

Of course, before you buy a little, you will probably want to understand why it is a good purchase. In fact, why would anyone buy an NFT, and why should a buyer own a willing to buy even more tickets in the future?

Ideally, the worth of NFTs doesn’t just come from a digital hot potato hinge, where you buy little in hopes of selling for more down the road. And so on, until everything breaks. Ideally, the NFT should be of value to you because… you like it. If you are an NBA fan, you may wish to have an official NFT representing your protected gambler. Or maybe there is a digital merciful that you like.

Sure, in a way, many NFTs are just digital images that you can right-click and unlearn on your computer. But NFTs even reside in block captivity, which makes it extremely difficult to copy them in their entirety. The blockchain entry even transparently tells you who created the NFT. If a famous musician says, “Yes, that’s my Ethereum address that created this digital image of a possum.” So that can be corroborated in the block captivity.

  • Larva Labs CryptoPunks are among the most coveted (and expensive) NFTs out there.
  • Caterpillar Labs CryptoPunks are among the most coveted (and expensive) NFTs out there.

Some NFTs can be valuable in other ways. Say, for example, you buy an NFT related to a swath hinge. Perhaps that NFT will one day grant you a singular prestige in the hinge, or it could even be the mat for you to obtain some other difficult-to-get object; little that only you can have because each NFT is unique. If you’ve ever played World of Warcraft or a similar hinge, you know how valuable an alcove of armor or weaponry can be. Now with NFTs, no one can take it off, not even hinge owners.

Let’s go back for a second to the digital hot potato hinge. NFTs are a fledgling space, and there is a lot of hysteria and scams. You may see a certain NFT sold for millions and think that you can even buy a little for a few dollars and get rich selling it to someone else upfront. It can happen, but it is rare. And these things can be manipulated. For example, a crypto whale (someone who owns large amounts of the crypto ticket) can buy many NFTs and then “sell” them to himself (his other crypto address) for millions, artificially inflating the price. So be careful: just because some NFTs were traded for a lot of tickets, don’t think this automatically means that all other similar NFTs are even valuable.

What are the most expensive NFTs?

In the early days of space, we saw a blockchain hinge-like CryptoKitties selling virtual cats for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Music producer 3LAU recently sold a limited-run collection of 33 NFTs for more than $ 11 million. Musician Grimes (even known as little X Æ A-Xii’s mom) even sold his digital art collection for $ 7,500 each, for a total of $ 6 million in sales. Yes, these things can be very expensive.

Are NFTs a good investment?

Buying an NFT because you like it, or even to make (or lose) a few quick bucks is one thing. But upsetting at NFT is another. Again, it is an incipient space. Even a Van Gogh painting or a rare Babe Ruth baseball malleable required little time in the old days to become very valuable.

Given the digital nature of NFTs, it is difficult to compare them to prized physical works of art such as statues and paintings. On the other side, we live in a world where a Bitcoin is worth more than $ 50,000, so things in the digital realm can certainly be very valuable and even continue that value for longer periods.

In any case, if you plan to turn NFT upside down, you will need to dive deep into this cumbersome world because each NFT market is slightly different. It’s costly too – trading Ethereum can be expensive enough as new network congestion is driving fees up. Finally, you will need to think strategically and follow the rapidly changing cryptocurrency trends.

In short, it is possible to win a ticket by investing in NFT, but you will have to do your homework.

ESET and its seven tips to prevent attacks on your cryptocurrencies

News of hacks to exchanges and digital wallets is frequent. The main thing is to choose a secure exchange that stores the coins on servers outside the network so that they cannot be hacked.

There are many cryptocurrency scams that you can be a victim of. It is not enough to not deposit in trusted sites, they could impersonate you or hack your accounts.


But even in these secure exchanges, you can be a victim of impersonation, if they get your passwords through your email for example.

That is why they develop multiple security measures such as two-factor authorization (2FA), account verifications, and even the paralysis of transfers during days.

Find out how to configure your exchanges correctly and which mail and browsers are more secure.

The information security company outlines the top attacks on virtual wallets over the past year and tips for protecting them.

Electronic money is a type of alternative currency that does not depend on a central bank or regulatory entities of the national states. They are being used more and more frequently to pay for various products and services, appealing to both personal users and cybercriminals. ESET, a provider of threat security solutions, shared an analysis of the most important attacks that these cryptocurrencies suffered in 2017 and provides tips to protect them for the future.

“During 2017, cyberattacks against infrastructure providers were identified, including high-profile theft of users’ virtual assets. In addition to targeting online coin providers, trade and mining exchanges, and other related services, attackers are also targeting investors and industry employees, ”said Denise Giusto Bilic, IT Security Specialist at ESET Latin America.

The ESET Latin America Research Laboratory analyzed some of the most notable cybersecurity incidents that occurred in the cryptocurrency market, given that the enthusiasm for its success, yielded a revenue of $ 4 billion at the beginning of last year, created a scenario perfect for cybercrime:

  • Targeted attacks: In February, the home computer of an employee of the South Korean exchange of bitcoin and ether, Bithumb, one of the most important in the world, was attacked. The data of more than 30,000 customers were compromised, being used for bitcoin diversion hoaxes above a million dollars.
  • Hoaxes: Some $ 7.4 million ether, a currency similar to bitcoin, was stolen from investors, tricking them into sending their electronic money to a false address. The same happened with potential investors in Enigma, an Ethereum platform, where they were tricked into sending $ 500,000 in ‘cryptocurrency’ with ‘early sale’ tokens to the attackers’ account.
  • Security Cracks: Another well-known attack involved a coding flaw in Parity, an Ethereum wallet, which facilitated the theft of around 150,000 cryptocurrency tokens. The value at that time was more than $ 30 million.
  • Social Engineering: At the end of the year, the payment system of a Slovenian-based cryptocurrency mining market was looted, an equivalent of $ 64 million was stolen. The company described the breach as a “professional attack with sophisticated social engineering.”

“Virtual currencies seek to obtain money from increasingly broad sectors of society. The deceptions are made to catch the reckless, especially those users who do not have the most adequate security measures. It remains to be seen how, in the long run, the number of risks inherent in these new currencies, the fundamental security challenges they face, and increasingly stringent regulations turn out for virtual ‘money and its fan base. Unless the countless security concerns are addressed, more and more people will be involved with this currency who will have to face the various risks along the way, ”added Giusto Bilic.


Recommendations to avoid losing assets in cryptocurrencies

In this context, ESET developed the following tips to protect virtual wallets:

  • Use a Bitcoin client. Regarding privacy, in addition to hiding the IP address, you can use a Bitcoin client that allows you to change to a new address with each operation. Also, transactions can be categorically separated into different wallets, according to their importance: a recommended practice is to keep a wallet for everyday transactions with small amounts, to recharge it when necessary.
  • Protect identity. Be careful when sharing transaction data in public spaces to avoid revealing the identity together with the Bitcoin address.
  • Use a “custody service.” When it is necessary to make a purchase/sale and you are not sure who is on the other side, you can use an “escrow service”. In these cases, the person who must make the payment sends their bitcoins to the custody service, while they wait to receive the item they requested. The seller knows that his money is safe in the custodian and sends the agreed item. When the buyer receives the merchandise, he notifies the situation to the custodian so that he can complete the purchase.
  • Make a backup of the virtual wallet and encrypt it. When it comes to physical stores, like any critical backup policy, it is recommended to perform frequent updates, use different media and locations, and keep them encrypted.
  • Avoid using wallets on mobile devices. Especially when it comes to large sums of money, using mobile devices should be avoided as these can be lost and/or compromised. Furthermore, in these cases, it is preferable to keep the wallet on computers without any type of Internet connection.
  • Consider using multiple signature addresses. In the case of corporate transactions or those that require a high degree of security, it is possible to use multiple signature addresses, which involve the use of more than one key, usually stored on remote computers in the possession of authorized personnel. In this way, an attacker will need to compromise all the computers on which the keys are located, to later steal the bitcoins, which will make his task difficult.
  • Delete a virtual wallet when it is no longer used. Deleting a virtual wallet when it is no longer useful requires a careful process to verify that it has indeed been destroyed. It is necessary to take the trouble to locate any possible copy that may have been created, by user or system action, and carry out this same process.

Choosing the Best Bitcoin Wallet

Once you buy Bitcoin or any other altcoins, you will need a secure place to store them. Remember with cryptocurrencies, you are your bank and therefore have responsibility for your safety.

A Bitcoin Wallet is a kind of online bank that will allow you to manage your assets and make cryptocurrency transactions.

The best bitcoin wallets

What you need to understand here is that a cryptocurrency wallet works using 2 encryption keys, a public key, and a private key. The concept of the key comes from asymmetric key cryptography implemented thanks to the ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) algorithm for those who wish to deepen the subject (if like me Maths is not your strong point, go your way advice…).

The private key is used as a signature to confirm a transaction order on the network and the public key is used when it checks whether the signature is correct. The combination of these two keys is what allows transactions to be carried out on the network.

Your public key represents your address on the Blockchain and it is this one that you will share to receive coins during your transactions.

The private key is the most important thing in securing your wallet! You must be in control of your private keys at all times and keep them out of prying eyes, which is why some wallet solutions are more secure than others. The majority of hackers use malware such as Malwares and Keyloggers, which directly attack your wallets or record what you type on your keyboard allowing them to know your passwords among other things.

In this sense, Bitcoin wallets are different from the wallets you know and use every day. Follow the guide to explore your options and learn how to create a bitcoin wallet.

Types of Wallets

  • Paper wallets
  • Hardware wallets (encrypted USB key type)
  • Wallets on Computer or Smartphone (Hot Wallets)
  • Online wallets

Here are the main types of wallets available on the market

These portfolios are ranked from the most secure to the least secure solutions:

  • Physical solution (paper or material (hardware or cold wallet))
  • Wallet on Computer and Smartphone (Hot Wallets)
  • Online wallet

There are also two types of Computer wallets:

  • The so-called light wallets. These connect to servers and verify data integrity.
  • and so-called “Full-Node” wallets that store the entire Bitcoin Blockchain (book of transactions) locally on your installation (be careful, this can take up a lot of space, in hundreds of GB most often …). For those who wish to participate here in the decentralization effort.

Now let’s go into detail for each type of portfolio:

Paper wallets

It’s a really simple paper document on which you print your public and private keys and then store them in a secure place like a safe or whatever. Using QR codes saves the hassle of typing those rather long keys each time with a simple scan.

The main advantage of the paper wallet is that your keys are stored “offline” and it is therefore impossible to be the victim of a cyber attack on them.

The main drawback of this approach lies of course in the fragility of the paper medium and its lack of longevity. It is also impractical and risky to travel with your piece of paper to make payments.

This is an ideal solution for “large” carriers who wish to secure their “offline” assets. Crypto-currency exchanges generally use this kind of solution to protect themselves from hackers and keep part of the funds in “cold storage”.

Hardware wallets (encrypted USB key type)

This solution is one of the most secure because these devices that look like USB keys are made to allow you to secure your corners while allowing you to transport them securely.

Here you will need to connect your wallet to a computer or tablet to be able to access your corners.

The most well-known and reputable models today are:

  • Ledger Nano S
  • Ledger Nano X
  • Trezor
  • Keepkey

These hardware-type wallets provide a great secure and reliable storage solution for anyone serious about protecting their cryptocurrency investment.

They allow you to transport your coins while keeping your private keys in an offline environment thus limiting the risk of attack.

The only way to steal your coins here is to physically get hold of your wallet which is encrypted and protected with a password.

They are even equipped with a system allowing you to restore your digital currencies via a backup code, which even protects you from the theft or loss of your wallet.

Advantage of hardware wallets?

  • One of the most secure ways to protect your electronic currencies!
  • Save your private keys “offline” safe from hackers.
  • Resistant to malware and viruses
  • Different security levels with Pin and Recover Phrase
  • Allows you to carry a bunch of cryptocurrencies with you

Disadvantages of hardware wallets?

  • They are not cheap! But hey, even if it means investing as much to protect yourself in my opinion.
  • They are not necessarily the most practical way to pay on the go and for daily use (the Trezor is better in this sense than the Nano S with its smartphone adapter). They are more suited to storing cryptocurrencies.
  • Best to install on a “clean” computer at first.

Wallets on Computer or Smartphone (Hot Wallets)

These are electronic wallet software where the private keys are secret codes. As these keys are present on a device that is connected to the internet (most of the time), these private keys are potentially at risk and are not one hundred percent secure!

Advantage of hot wallets?

  • Perfect for storing small to medium amounts of coins.
  • Easy to use (often thanks to their integrated QR code reader).
  • Super simple and fast sending and receiving payments. Convenient when you are on the move / on the go.
  • Some hot wallet models allow access to your cryptocurrencies from multiple devices and even have integrated exchanges (Like Exodus for example).
  • Possibility to save your private keys.
  • Exodus office wallet

Disadvantages of hot wallets?

  • Not secure enough (especially Smartphone versions) for storing large amounts of crypto.
  • If you lose the device, you will lose your currencies (unless you have saved the seeds).
  • Potentially hackable from a distance.
  • Simply put, a hot wallet is an office or pocket wallet that is used to hold small to medium amounts of currency, but not all of your money either. They are really handy if you trade regularly, but are not the best option for storing large amounts of coins.

Online wallets

Online wallets are also called web or cloud wallets. They are easy to use as they can be viewed from any device connected to the Internet.

However, this type of wallet has many security holes and is the least secure on my list. I do not recommend them to store your coins because I would not trust a third party to protect my private keys …

I differentiate between online wallet services (which I have never used and which I don’t trust at all) and in-exchange wallets that we buy currencies on (and yes those marketplaces, like Bittrex for example, very often do not transfer your currencies directly to the wallet of your choice but to a wallet integrated into your account. You then have to transfer your funds to the wallet of your choice for a few fees in the process).

Advantage of online wallets?

  • Ease of use
  • Accessible from any internet connection
  • Online wallets are generally linked to exchanges
  • Convenient if you trade
  • protect your private keys

Disadvantages of Online Wallets?

  • You do not have control over your private keys which are recorded and stored on someone else’s server.
  • More prone to hacking.
  • Technical failures can occur and the sites are sometimes inaccessible (DDOS attacks).
  • The site may limit or suspend your account at any time for any reason.
  • The site has full control over your currency.

A word of advice instead sees online marketplace wallets as quick transit wallets once you’ve purchased cryptocurrency!

What type of portfolio is best for you?

Now that you better understand the security issues and the different types of wallets available as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages, you will have to make a choice!

We can now list which type of wallet is best suited for a given type of use:

  • Small and frequent transactions: online wallets or hot wallets.
  • Medium amount transactions: hot wallet type wallets (rather computer, be careful with smartphones)
  • Online exchange when buying currencies: Online wallet (but only the amount you invest with).
  • Large transactions: a hardware wallet
  • Storage only: hardware or paper wallet

I even recommend that you don’t keep all of your coins in one wallet. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Wallets other than hardware are often free, you would be wrong to deprive yourself of them.

If you make “public” exchanges with your public key (especially on the internet), use “disposable” wallets so that your transactions cannot be traced! Contrary to many misconceptions circulating on the web, the Bitcoin Blockchain does not offer you that much anonymity and your transactions are technically visible in a public ledger …

Also, keep your currencies in online or software wallets only when you need to frequently send or receive payments. Keep only the amount you usually need and keep the rest of your inventory in a more secure wallet.

You already have a secure wallet. Which wallet are you using? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Basic Security Tips for Cryptocurrencies to avoid scams

Once you have passed the threshold of knowing the fundamentals of Bitcoin and how blockchain works, it may have convinced you enough to invest or participate in this new revolution. Congratulations and welcome!

There are many benefits of Bitcoin, one of many being the unprecedented freedom it provides to banks through its technology. This is a revolutionary idea, no more banks are needed. The idea that you are the sole owner of your money thanks to technology seems basic, although a tool has never been invented to guarantee it.

This new freedom is refreshing, although a service that was provided by banks is now under their responsibility, the security of their assets.

Here you will find all the basic safety tips that you should know. Once covered, you can check out our advanced cryptocurrency security tips. Many people do not take any security measures and are usually victims of hackers.


You should view this as the sheriff of a town protecting the bank vault from villains. Villains (Hackers) will always attack the easy option, they will ignore any complication or difficulty. Avoid at all costs being the easy option.

The inherent security of Blockchain and its cryptocurrencies

When you have conversations with other people about cryptocurrencies, you will easily find the counter-argument that the blockchain or your cryptocurrency can be hacked. This is a misconception that many people tend to commit.

This technology is very safe, due to its cryptographic algorithm that protects cryptocurrencies, hence the name of crypto. The algorithm is already a security measure against hackers. To break this algorithm, you would need immense almost unattainable computing power. For example, the oldest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, has not been hacked since its inception in 2008.

If hackers can’t hack the crypto itself, their obvious target will be users. They will look for gaps in security and hack the platform you use to store your digital assets to line your pockets. Therefore, the first and foremost safety tip is to take safety measures and take them seriously.

Use complex passwords

For many readers, this may seem obvious. However, even today the three most common passwords are 123456, 123456789, and the funniest password, password.

Try combining uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. The longer the password, the better. You can use online password meters to see how strong your password is. It is a good idea to use a password generator to get random passwords.

A popular service is password managers. They generate a unique, long, and very complex password for each online account that you own. These services are very convenient, safe and are used by many high-profile companies. Either way, if you have the time and dedication (or a large sum of money in cryptocurrencies) the safest solution will always be to write down the passwords on paper, even if you keep them well and make copies since if you lose them you have lost access to that money.

Avoid public WiFi

Public WiFi can be a convenient service, however, you should avoid interacting with any exchanges or wallets while connected. Hackers can easily collect data transmitted over the network, for example, your login credentials.

We strongly recommend never connecting to any financial services on these networks. In a desperate situation, at least use a VPN.

Beware of phishing scams

You may know of phishing scams as the most common method of stealing your credentials for traditional online banking. Cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets are also subject to this covert technique. It is one of the most basic scam techniques, used by hackers to steal your Bitcoin or altcoins.

Phishing scams create a fake website that resembles the original site. The user is deceived and does not know that he has been directed to a fake website. The user inserts username and password calmly, then hackers have their credentials. Hackers can easily send the funds to your wallets.

If you regularly access exchanges, a fairly easy security measure is to bookmark these websites in your browser. Always access your bookmarks and you will be safe. Phishing sites tend to focus on the most common or most inconspicuous typographical errors. A notable example was with myetherwallet (A respectful Etheruem wallet platform) that fell victim to several of these scams.

My ether wallet original

At first glance, you will not notice anything strange. The layout is a copy of the original site, although the URL is slightly different: vs mÿetherwallë The Y and E have an umlaut, a small detail that you won’t be able to easily see. By putting your access codes on a fake page, hackers will get everything they need to own your cryptocurrencies.

Don’t store your cryptocurrencies on exchanges

This may be the most common mistake. The exchange already provides you with a clue of what the purpose is on its behalf. Exchange = Exchange. They are used for exchange, they are not intended for the custody of your cryptocurrencies. Most of the stolen Bitcoin has been due to hacks by exchanges, not the cryptocurrency itself. Hackers usually attack small platforms that lack security, although it should be noted that several large exchanges have been attacked. Here is a list of some of the most notable Bitcoin heists to date:

Mt. Gox: 850,000 BTC (worth $ 450 million at the time in 2011)

Bitfinex: 120,000 BTC

Bitcoinica: 43,554 BTC

Bitfloor: 24,000 BTC

Bitstamp: 19,000 BTC

Binance: 7000 BTC

Poloniex: 97 BTC

We listed Binance and Poloniex, not for quantity, but to let you know that even reputable exchanges can be hacked. Fortunately, exchanges have evolved and so have their security measures. The biggest BTC hacks occurred mainly when cryptocurrency exchanges were still young and their security measures were low. However, Binance was attacked in 2019. As such, no exchange is safe from a hacker attack.

Binance mobile

The only reason to have your digital assets on an exchange would be if you are a day trader. If you are a holder or a long-term trader, the best practice would be to store your Bitcoin and/or altcoins in a cryptocurrency wallet. If you want to exchange it for another cryptocurrency or fiat send it to your wallet once you have completed the operation. Remember, whoever owns the private key controls the money.

Keep your device safe

Use your common sense and focus on basic user security practices such as: don’t download any suspicious files, keep your firewall up to date and up, and don’t visit known dangerous websites. If you want to install software, always check the opinions of other users first or if the company behind it is transparent enough that you can trust them.

Buy a cryptocurrency monitor or hardware

This security measure is highly dependent on how much money you have in Bitcoin. As a general rule, we recommend that if you have more than $ 500 in Bitcoin it is advisable to buy a cryptocurrency hardware wallet. There are many hardware wallets on the market.

Ledger and Trezor

Encrypted hardware wallets are the safest method of storing your digital assets. A cryptocurrency hardware wallet is a specialized device, which has been designed exclusively for security.

The device stores their private keys within an impenetrable circuit and allows them to sign transactions with a manual, non-digital click. Like many other wallets, it offers seed to easily transfer your private keys in case your device is stolen or lost.

If you have a small amount of Bitcoin or want a faster and seamless wallet, you can use hot wallets. There are differences between hot wallets and cold wallets (Hardware wallets). If your device is in a secure environment, hot wallets are safer than leaving your cryptocurrencies on an exchange.

Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of validation security. Add an extra step in the login process, an extra layer of security. You need to insert an extra password to access it. This password is generated by an application (Google authenticator or Authy are the most used on the market) stored on your smartphone. Every two seconds a new password is generated for greater security. The purpose is to create an additional external security layer to make the hacker’s job more difficult. The hacker would have to steal your phone and gain access to it.

Google authenticator

Most exchanges offer two-factor authentication and are very easy to install. Two-factor authentication can and should be used in the email you use to access your exchange accounts.


Some exchanges also offer additional options like a random PIN sent to your email and SMS. In any case, we strongly recommend avoiding using SMS verification due to its insecurity.

Keep your crypto assets private

You can be proud of an investment or trade you have made with a cryptocurrency. Many investors brag about their holdings and successes, many did so in the big boom of 2017. Today people have learned that this may not be a good idea. The most extreme example is that of the Bitcoin owner who was killed after being forced to send his Bitcoin.

Cryptocurrencies do not have an identity linked to money as traditional banking does. If you have the Bitcoin private keys, you are the owner. Therefore, if you are forced to send your Bitcoin to an address, you will not be able to claim it. For criminals, this can be attractive.

A simple solution is to not show off your possessions to people or at least keep a low profile about it. At conferences, meetings, or out of the curiosity of your friends, you may be asked how many cryptocurrencies you have. Avoid answering this question for your safety, especially if you have a substantial quantity.

  • Sending funds to the wrong address
  • Cryptocurrency addresses are very long and complex.

If you send your assets to the wrong address by mistake, you will lose your funds. Since the addresses are not attached to an identity, you will not be able to contact the person who has the address. Also, if you find the owner, you will not be able to force him to return the funds. With Bitcoin and altcoins, there is no middle man which can have many advantages, but for these types of issues, you are alone.

Bitcoin address example

As the addresses are very long, it is not recommended to type these addresses manually. Many exchanges and wallets offer a copy to a clipboard button or a QR code. Selecting the address manually can also create errors. Either way, if you copy and paste the address you should always check if they are the same. Unfortunately, there have been cases where the copy and paste functionality has been hacked. To avoid worse evils, a common practice is to check that the first and last 5 digits of the address match before sending.

Cryptocurrency transfers have very low fees. Therefore, it is highly recommended to send a small amount and check if the transfer worked, and then send the full amount. It costs almost no money, so there is no excuse.

What does blockchain technology bring to cryptocurrencies and how should we invest in it?

Blockchain technology also called the “chain of blocks” brings multiple benefits and not only to cryptocurrencies and the financial sector but also to other sectors. It is the foundation that supports the structure of virtual currencies. It has great potential, which has provided its great evolution. The future that experts predict for blockchain technology is far from a failure, as the expectations placed on it are enormous. It only needs to successfully survive the obstacles that lie ahead and those who use it to instill fear in society by speaking ill of this technology.

It is one of the most revolutionary technologies of the century, but do we know what blockchain is?

The technology sector is advancing by leaps and bounds. Until recently, it was difficult to think of autonomous cars, smart homes, virtual reality simulators, or social media. All of them have meant, to a greater or lesser extent, a revolution in each of their areas. However, none of them have had the repercussion and impact that the blockchain, also known as the blockchain, currently has. It is, without a doubt, the most disruptive technology of this century. A concept that has revolutionized many industries and areas of our day to day and in which you can also invest. But do you know what it is and how to invest in this technology?


Let’s start at the beginning: What is this blockchain? The blockchain is nothing more than a decentralized information system that grows continuously, a kind of distributed and secure database that guarantees the privacy of transactions. In the blockchain, the blocks are all linked to each other and encrypted to protect the security of the users. Your most important requirement is that multiple users are validating these transactions so that they can be inserted into this huge ledger.


Although the largest field of application of the blockchain is economic transactions, the truth is that this technology encompasses many more potential ideas. For example, the Japanese government has started a project to unify all urban and rustic property registration through blockchain. Some companies want to decentralize cloud storage so that it does not depend on a specific centralized provider. Another example is healthcare, in which the medical records of all patients could be stored through the blockchain. In reality, the potential of blockchain is practically limitless.


When we think about investing in blockchain, we are not talking about doing it directly in this technology, but about buying assets or securities that make use of it. These are some of the most interesting alternatives today.


Cryptocurrencies are undoubtedly the best-known use of blockchain technology. Their popularity has been growing over the last few years thanks to the guarantee of security and anonymity that they incorporate in transactions over the Internet. 

The best known is Bitcoin, but there are others such as Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, or Cardan. Currently, more than 1,300 different ones can be found. At the investment level, cryptocurrencies are characterized by their high volatility, in some cases higher than 80%. 

This makes them considered a high-risk asset and not very suitable for retail investors, as stated by the Security Exchange Commission (SEC). There are two options for investing in cryptocurrencies: buy them or mine them. 

The first option is the most common and consists of getting the cryptocurrencies in the market. The second option is to create new coins and register them on the blockchain. However, it is an increasingly residual alternative, because the processing capacity to mine new cryptocurrencies is increasingly expensive. 

In any case, it is the user who can do it directly without resorting to an intermediate figure. In the case of the purchase of cryptocurrencies, you only need a virtual wallet to acquire them that provides access to the blockchain of those cryptocurrencies. In the case of mining, you just need to install software on the computer and let it work autonomously. 


ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) are investment funds that contain a set of securities that replicate an index. There are already indexes that allow exposure to the blockchain. Some of the most interesting ETFs to invest in blockchain and their returns are as follows.

Stocks of large companies 

Large companies are betting heavily on blockchain technology. Companies such as Microsoft, Visa, and, above all, IBM, are developing solutions based on block technology. In general, almost any company that is listed on the Nasdaq, America’s tech stock index par excellence, has some kind of blockchain-based solution. So, if you want to invest in blockchain without having to assume the volatility that characterizes this sector and in a much more accessible way, it is advisable to bet on consolidated companies in the technology sector that are developing this technology. 

Cryptocurrency ICOs 

The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or Initial Coin Offerings are a financing mechanism through which a company seeks to raise capital through cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. A kind of public offer for sale or business crowdfunding project that has a peculiarity: It uses the blockchain in the entire process of attracting economic resources. Its operation is simple. 

A project issues a certain amount of crypto assets or virtual tokens on a blockchain platform and investors pay through cryptocurrencies. If the project goes ahead and succeeds, the cryptocurrencies on which its financing was based gain value and that ends up offering an interesting return on investment for all these investors. The growth of ICOs has been spectacular. 

According to data from the ICO Bench, projects worth $ 1.2 billion were financed in May 2019 alone, and applications such as Telegram managed to raise $ 1.7 billion in several rounds. The returns are, in some cases, spectacular and far from those that can be obtained by any other traditional investment. The five most successful ICOs in history in terms of return on initial investment have been, according to Cointelegraph:

  • NXT, with profitability of 11,547,519%.
  • Spectercoin, with profitability of 676.227%.
  • IOTA, with profitability of 522,900%.
  • Ethereum, with profitability of 442,869%.
  • Neo, with the profitability of 378,453%.


Although there is no specific regulation on the blockchain, as of today, assets such as cryptocurrencies are considered intangible assets for the Treasury. This category is the same as that used for web domains, farm exploitation rights, or the transfer of a bar. But what do you do when you convert your investment in cryptocurrencies or other blockchain-related assets to money? 

Well, the same thing we do with any other investment: Declare them in our income statement, incorporating capital gains into the tax base of savings. The amount that you will have to pay to the Treasury is obtained by subtracting the transmission value from the acquisition value, excluding expenses and commissions. The corresponding savings rates are applied to this value, which in 2019 are as follows:

If the investor is a legal person (for example, a limited company), the profits obtained are included in the tax base of the corporation tax, which has a tax rate of 25% on the profits of the company. In short, the blockchain is here to stay. More and more solutions based on this blockchain technology and its applications will continue to grow in the future. Given this reality, investing in blockchain is an interesting option, although, yes, as long as we assess the risks associated with such an incipient concept.

Blockchain technology

What does blockchain technology bring to cryptocurrencies and how should we invest in it?

Blockchain technology also called the “chain of blocks” brings multiple benefits and not only to cryptocurrencies and the financial sector but also to other sectors. It is the foundation that supports the structure of virtual currencies. It has great potential, which has provided its great evolution. The future that experts predict for blockchain technology is far from a failure, as the expectations placed on it are enormous. It only needs to successfully survive the obstacles that lie ahead and those who use it to instill fear in society by speaking ill of this technology.

It is one of the most revolutionary technologies of the century, but do we know what blockchain is?

The technology sector is advancing by leaps and bounds. Until recently, it was difficult to think of autonomous cars, smart homes, virtual reality simulators, or social media. All of them have meant, to a greater or lesser extent, a revolution in each of their areas. However, none of them have had the repercussion and impact that the blockchain, also known as the blockchain, currently has. It is, without a doubt, the most disruptive technology of this century. A concept that has revolutionized many industries and areas of our day to day and in which you can also invest. But do you know what it is and how to invest in this technology?

Blockchain technology


Let’s start at the beginning: What is this blockchain? The blockchain is nothing more than a decentralized information system that grows continuously, a kind of distributed and secure database that guarantees the privacy of transactions. In the blockchain, the blocks are all linked to each other and encrypted to protect the security of the users. Your most important requirement is that multiple users are validating these transactions so that they can be inserted into this huge ledger.


Although the largest field of application of the blockchain is economic transactions, the truth is that this technology encompasses many more potential ideas. For example, the Japanese government has started a project to unify all urban and rustic property registration through blockchain. Some companies want to decentralize cloud storage so that it does not depend on a specific centralized provider. Another example is healthcare, in which the medical records of all patients could be stored through the blockchain. In reality, the potential of blockchain is practically limitless.


When we think about investing in blockchain, we are not talking about doing it directly in this technology, but about buying assets or securities that make use of it. These are some of the most interesting alternatives today.


Cryptocurrencies are undoubtedly the best-known use of blockchain technology. Their popularity has been growing over the last few years thanks to the guarantee of security and anonymity that they incorporate in transactions over the Internet. 

The best known is Bitcoin, but there are others such as Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, or Cardan. Currently, more than 1,300 different ones can be found. At the investment level, cryptocurrencies are characterized by their high volatility, in some cases higher than 80%. 

This makes them considered a high-risk asset and not very suitable for retail investors, as stated by the Security Exchange Commission (SEC). There are two options for investing in cryptocurrencies: buy them or mine them. 

The first option is the most common and consists of getting the cryptocurrencies in the market. The second option is to create new coins and register them on the blockchain. However, it is an increasingly residual alternative, because the processing capacity to mine new cryptocurrencies is increasingly expensive. 

In any case, it is the user who can do it directly without resorting to an intermediate figure. In the case of the purchase of cryptocurrencies, you only need a virtual wallet to acquire them that provides access to the blockchain of those cryptocurrencies. In the case of mining, you just need to install software on the computer and let it work autonomously. 


ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) are investment funds that contain a set of securities that replicate an index. There are already indexes that allow exposure to the blockchain. Some of the most interesting ETFs to invest in blockchain and their returns are as follows.

Stocks of large companies 

Large companies are betting heavily on blockchain technology. Companies such as Microsoft, Visa, and, above all, IBM, are developing solutions based on block technology. In general, almost any company that is listed on the Nasdaq, America’s tech stock index par excellence, has some kind of blockchain-based solution. So, if you want to invest in blockchain without having to assume the volatility that characterizes this sector and in a much more accessible way, it is advisable to bet on consolidated companies in the technology sector that are developing this technology. 

Cryptocurrency ICOs 

Blockchain technology

The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or Initial Coin Offerings are a financing mechanism through which a company seeks to raise capital through cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. A kind of public offer for sale or business crowdfunding project that has a peculiarity: It uses the blockchain in the entire process of attracting economic resources. Its operation is simple. 

A project issues a certain amount of crypto assets or virtual tokens on a blockchain platform and investors pay through cryptocurrencies. If the project goes ahead and succeeds, the cryptocurrencies on which its financing was based gain value and that ends up offering an interesting return on investment for all these investors. The growth of ICOs has been spectacular. 

According to data from the ICO Bench, projects worth $ 1.2 billion were financed in May 2019 alone, and applications such as Telegram managed to raise $ 1.7 billion in several rounds. The returns are, in some cases, spectacular and far from those that can be obtained by any other traditional investment. The five most successful ICOs in history in terms of return on initial investment have been, according to Cointelegraph:

  • NXT, with profitability of 11,547,519%.
  • Specter coin, with profitability of 676.227%.
  • IOTA, with profitability of 522,900%.
  • Ethereum, with profitability of 442,869%.
  • Neo, with the profitability of 378,453%.


Although there is no specific regulation on the blockchain, as of today, assets such as cryptocurrencies are considered intangible assets for the Treasury. This category is the same as that used for web domains, farm exploitation rights, or the transfer of a bar. But what do you do when you convert your investment in cryptocurrencies or other blockchain-related assets to money? 

Well, the same thing we do with any other investment: Declare them in our income statement, incorporating capital gains into the tax base of savings. The amount that you will have to pay to the Treasury is obtained by subtracting the transmission value from the acquisition value, excluding expenses and commissions. The corresponding savings rates are applied to this value, which in 2019 are as follows:

If the investor is a legal person (for example, a limited company), the profits obtained are included in the tax base of the corporation tax, which has a tax rate of 25% on the profits of the company. In short, the blockchain is here to stay. More and more solutions based on this blockchain technology and its applications will continue to grow in the future. Given this reality, investing in blockchain is an interesting option, although, yes, as long as we assess the risks associated with such an incipient concept.