More than conquering your space, buying a property is making an investment for the future. Real estate tends to increase over time. Therefore, making a purchase in the real estate market is a process that requires calm, mainly because of the high values ​​involved. Finding an alternative that combines the features you have defined and an attractive price is no easy task. And to avoid headaches, before starting the bureaucratic part, it is always recommended to evaluate some important points, such as the physical condition of the property and really know the region where you intend to buy.

Taking into account that the financing of a property can take 15, often 30 years, it is necessary to consider long-term aspects when choosing the place where you will spend a good part of your life.

Despite the anxiety that having a new property can generate, think that the possibilities of undertakings in the city most of the time are many, so, if there is any point with which you are not satisfied during the purchase process , give a weight and a greater attention to it, which can be decisive.

The most important tip is: do not rush and understand that this decision must be taken calmly and analyzed in all aspects. If you are lost as to the main points to consider, follow our checklist below to see if the property corresponds well to all topics and, thus, if it is worth investing.

1. Location

Take a few walks around the neighborhood where the property you want so much is located. See if it has good options in the market, pharmacy, bakery, gym, etc. things that spare the use of the car for basic everyday needs. Then, research the means of transportation and proximity to the work of family members.

How long will it take you to get to and from your usual locations? Does the region have a lot of traffic? Do you have a subway? Near bus stop? All of these questions are essential when analyzing the location of a property.

2. Conservation status

If the property you are looking for is new, its state of conservation tends to be much better, in addition to the possibility of activating the guarantee for any defect. But if the home of your dreams is in a used property, it is important to find out every corner.

Open all the taps and showers , turn the circuit breakers on and off, check all the walls well to try to find cracks and, if possible, get a report on the building from an architect or engineer. So you will feel much more secure with the purchase.

3. Long-term size

If you are newly married or single, you may even be considering buying a 30 or 40 square meter studio right now. But, as we said, the financing of a property can last for several years. So the ideal is that you can glimpse a part of your future when buying the apartment or house.

Do you intend to get married or have children for the next 10 years? Then bet on a slightly larger space, of 60 square meters for example, that contains at least one more room.

4. Position of the apartment

For those who live in very hot cities, this checklist topic is very important. This is because if the apartment receives the afternoon sun, the chances of the heat becoming unbearable for a much longer period of the day are very high. In general, properties that receive the morning sun are more valued, so if you have the possibility to purchase one that fits this option, prioritize it.

5. Security

Not only the neighborhood, but the security of the condominium must be well observed. When visiting the property, see how the concierge welcomes you and how easily you gain access to the residents’ area. Talk to potential neighbors and ask about the violence in the neighborhood and whether there has been any violence inside the condominium itself.

6. Leisure area

Especially if you have or intend to have children, the leisure area of the condominium is important. As it is much more dangerous for children to play on the street today, it is interesting that they have areas to have fun away from computers at home and also to live with other children.

Also, think about the occasions when you can receive friends, such as holidays or birthdays. In these cases, the barbecue and the ballroom become very useful.

7. Value of installments

Now that you have analyzed the physical factors of the property, it is time to consider the financial aspects. When you finally choose your future home, go to the main banks and do simulations of the plots.

It is important to know that not always the most viable option, despite the often lower interest rates. If you have been a bank account holder for a long time and have a good credit line, your manager may be able to arrange special financing conditions.

8. Condominium

In addition to considering whether the parcels of the property will fit into your long-term budget, it is essential to take into account the value of the condominium, which the older the more expensive it will be. Add the financing portion to the monthly value of the condominium and see if the result will not compromise your quality of life.

See “Smart ways to invest in real estate” for more information.